
International Seminar Settlement and Promotion of Small and Medium Industry : seminar report

German Foundation for Developing Countries, Seminar Centre for Economic and Social Development. -- Seminar Centre for Economic and Social Development, 1971. -- (Dok[ument] ; 564 A/a). <BB30221696>

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0001 中央館 書庫4層北-大型コレク
330.8/WE/117 0112175630979 通常 0件
No. 0001
所蔵館 中央館
配置場所 書庫4層北-大型コレク
請求記号 330.8/WE/117
資料ID 0112175630979
状態 通常
予約 0件


標題および責任表示 International Seminar Settlement and Promotion of Small and Medium Industry : seminar report / German Foundation for Developing Countries, Seminar Centre for Economic and Social Development
出版・頒布事項 Berlin : Seminar Centre for Economic and Social Development , 1971
形態事項 viii, 421 p. ; 21 cm
書誌構造リンク Dok[ument] <BB30221695> 564 A/a//a
その他の標題 表紙タイトル:Settlement and promotion of small and medium industry
注記 "III - S 3/71" -- Cover
学情ID BB15905473
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク German Foundation for Developing Countries, Seminar Centre for Economic and Social Development <>
分類標目 SG86:05a