
Political change in Japan : electoral behavior, party realignment, and the Koizumi reforms

edited by Steven R. Reed, Kenneth Mori McElwain, and Kay Shimizu. -- Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, 2009. <BB30216742>

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標題および責任表示 Political change in Japan : electoral behavior, party realignment, and the Koizumi reforms / edited by Steven R. Reed, Kenneth Mori McElwain, and Kay Shimizu
出版・頒布事項 Stanford, Calif. : Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center , 2009
形態事項 xii, 319 p. : ill. ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781931368148
内容著作注記 An overview of postwar Japanese politics / Steven R. Reed and Kay Shimizu
内容著作注記 Avoiding a two-party system : the Liberal Democratic Party versus Duverger's Law / Steven R. Reed and Kay Shimizu
内容著作注記 Has the electoral-system reform made Japanese elections party-centered? / Ko Maeda
内容著作注記 Pork barrel politics and partisan realignment in Japan / Jun Saito
内容著作注記 Declining electoral competitiveness in Japan : postreform trends and theoretical pessimism / Robert J. Weiner
内容著作注記 How Koizumi won / Chao-Chi Lin
内容著作注記 How long are Koizumi's coattails? Party-leader visits in the 2005 election / Kenneth Mori McElwain
内容著作注記 Two steps forward, one step back : Japanese postal privatization as a window on political and policymaking change / Patricia L. Maclachlan
内容著作注記 The slow government response to Japan's bank crisis : a new interpretation / Ethan Scheiner and Michio Muramatsu
内容著作注記 Stealing elections : a comparison of election-night corruption in Japan, Canada, and the United States / Ray Christensen and Kyle Colvin
内容著作注記 The puzzle of the Japanese gender gap in Liberal Democratic Party support / Barry C. Burden
内容著作注記 Women running for national office in Japan : are Koizumi's female "children" a short-term anomaly or a lasting phenomenon? / Alisa Gaunder
内容著作注記 Surrogate representation : building sustainable linkage structures in contemporary Japanese politics / Sherry L. Martin
内容著作注記 Japanese politics in the Koizumi era : temporary anomaly or a paradigm shift? / Kenneth Mori McElwain and Steven R. Reed
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
学情ID BA91491689
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Reed, Steven R., 1947- <AU10126169>
著者標目リンク McElwain, Kenneth Mori <AU10126170>
著者標目リンク Shimizu, Kay <>
著者標目リンク Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center <AU10126171>
分類標目 DC:342.5029
件名標目等 Prime ministers -- Japan -- Election
件名標目等 Election law -- Japan
件名標目等 Electioneering -- Japan
件名標目等 Jiyū Minshutō
件名標目等 Political parties -- Japan
件名標目等 Opposition (Political science) -- Japan
件名標目等 Japan -- Politics and government -- 1989-
件名標目等 Political participation -- Japan
件名標目等 小泉, 純一郎||コイズミ ジュンイチロウ