
Ancient textiles : production, craft and society : proceedings of the first International Conference on Ancient Textiles, held at Lund, Sweden, and Copenhagen, Denmark, on March 19-23, 2003

edited by Carole Gillis and Marie-Louise B. Nosch. -- Oxbow Books, 2007. -- (Ancient textiles series ; 1). <BB00428847>

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標題および責任表示 Ancient textiles : production, craft and society : proceedings of the first International Conference on Ancient Textiles, held at Lund, Sweden, and Copenhagen, Denmark, on March 19-23, 2003 / edited by Carole Gillis and Marie-Louise B. Nosch
出版・頒布事項 Oxford : Oxbow Books
出版・頒布事項 Oakville, Conn. : David Brown Book [distributor] , c2007
形態事項 x, 286 p. : ill. (some col.), maps ; 29 cm
ISBN 9781842172025
書誌構造リンク Ancient textiles series <BB00428848> 1//a
内容著作注記 Pt. 1. Introduction to textiles: background, studies and application. Methodological introduction / by John Peter Wild
内容著作注記 The world according to textiles / by Lise Bender Jørgensen
内容著作注記 The academic craftsman: a discussion on knowledge of craft in textile research / by Martin Ciszuk
内容著作注記 Pt. 2. Production and organization. Textile tools and production during the Viking age / by Eva B. Andersson
内容著作注記 Spinning and weaving at Tell Mardikh-Ebla (Syria): some observations on spindle-whorls and loom-weights from the Bronze and Iron Ages / by Luca Peyronel
内容著作注記 Textile industry and Minoan palaces / by Pietro Militello
内容著作注記 Flax and linen textiles in the Mycenaean palatial economy / by Françoise Rougemont
内容著作注記 Cloth production in late Bronze Age Greece: the documentary evidence / by John T. Killen
内容著作注記 Washing and dyeing installations of the ancient Mediterranean: towards a definition from Roman times back to Minoan Crete / by Maria Emanuela Alberti
内容著作注記 The kingdom of Midas and royal cloth production / by Brendan Burke
内容著作注記 Textile production in proto-historic Italy: from specialists to workshops / by Margarita Gleba
内容著作注記 Textiles from the 1st century CE in Jerusalem: a preliminary report / by Orit Shamir
内容著作注記 Artifacts related to preparation of wool and textile processing found inside the terrace houses of Ephesus, Turkey / by Elisabeth Trinkl
内容著作注記 'Dyeing in ancient Italy? Evidence for the purpurarii / by Lisa Hughes
内容著作注記 Local cloth production in medieval Turku, Finland / by Heini Kirjavainen
内容著作注記 Woolen textiles in archaeological finds and descriptions in written sources of the 14th to 18th centuries / by Klaus Tidow & Eva Jordan-Fahrbrach
内容著作注記 Pt. 3. Craft and technology. 'Translating' archaeological textiles / by Lise Ræder Knudsen
内容著作注記 The use of wool for the production of strings, ropes, braided mats, and similar fabrics / by Hartmuth Waetzoldt
内容著作注記 Under canvas / by Susan Möller-Wiering
内容著作注記 Similarities and distinctions of Minoan and Mycenaean textiles / by Edith Trnka
内容著作注記 Re-considering alum on the linear B tablets / by Richard Firth
内容著作注記 Late Roman and Byzantine linen tunics in the Louvre museum / by Roberta Cortopassi
内容著作注記 Looped-pile textiles in the Benaki Museum (Athens) / by Sofia Tsourinaki
内容著作注記 A medieval Georgian textile in the Benaki Museum (Athens): the sakkos of the Antiochene Patriarch with Georgian embroidery / by Irine Nikoleishvili & Eliso Akhvlediani
内容著作注記 The Llangorse textile: approaches to understanding an early medieval masterpiece / by Louise Mumford, Heather Prosser & Julie Taylor
内容著作注記 A study of textile remains from the 5th century BC discovered in Kalyvia, Attica / by Christophe Moulherat & Youlie Spantidaki
内容著作注記 Ancient textile evidence in soil structures at the Agora excavations in Athens, Greece / by Julie Unruh
内容著作注記 Pt. 4. Society. Weaving the social fabric / by Elizabeth J.W. Barber
内容著作注記 Invisable exports in Aratta: Enmerkar and the three tasks / by Irene Good
内容著作注記 Textile production at Pseira: the knotted net / by Philip P. Betancourt
内容著作注記 Weaving at Akrotiti, Thera. Defining cloth-making activities as a social process in a late Bronze Age Aegean town / by Iris Tzachili
内容著作注記 Can a textile tradition survive? The rebozo in a changing society / by Yosi Anaya
内容著作注記 Political affinities and economic fluctuations: the evidence from textiles / by Nettie K. Adams
内容著作注記 Clothing patterns as constructs of the human mind: establishment and continuity / by Elizabeth Wincott Heckett
内容著作注記 Picture in textili on shoulder busts in hellenistic Sicily? / by Antonella Pautasso
内容著作注記 Spinning in the Roman world: from everyday craft to metaphor of destiny / by Daniela Cottica
内容著作注記 Wool work as a gender symbol in ancient Rome. Roman textiles and ancient sources / by Lena Larsson Lovén
内容著作注記 Christian influences and symbols of power in textiles from Viking age Denmark. Christian influence from the continent / by Anne Hedeager Krag
内容著作注記 Appendix: First aid for the excavation of archaeological textiles. Guidelines for the excavation of archaeological textiles / by Jana Jones ... [et al.]
内容著作注記 Use of a digital camera for documentation of textiles / by Annemette Bruselius Scharff
注記 "The Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Textile Research"
注記 Bibliography: p. [263]-286
学情ID BA85437667
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク International Conference on Ancient Textiles (1st : 2003 : Lund, Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark)
著者標目リンク Gillis, Carole
著者標目リンク Nosch, Marie-Louise
著者標目リンク Danish National Research Foundation. Centre for Textile Research
分類標目 LCC:NK8907
件名標目等 Textile fabrics, Ancient -- Congresses