
A pictorial history of the United States : with notices of other portions of America Noth and South

by S.G. Goodrich. -- A new ed [enl. ed.]. -- Butler, 1881. <BB30187565>

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所蔵館 中央館
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標題および責任表示 A pictorial history of the United States : with notices of other portions of America Noth and South / by S.G. Goodrich
版事項 A new ed [enl. ed.]
出版・頒布事項 Philadelphia : Butler , 1881
形態事項 528 p. : ill., maps, ports. ; 20 cm
その他の標題 背表紙タイトル:Goodrich's pictorial history of the United States
注記 "For the use of schools and families"
注記 Includes index
注記 Some copies have different pagination: 526 p.
学情ID BA6851199X
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold), 1793-1860 <AU10057679>
件名標目等 America -- History
件名標目等 United States -- History