
The history of Japan, giving an account of the ancient and present state and government of that empire : of its temples, palaces, castles and other buildings : of its metals, minerals, trees, plants, animals, birds and fishes of the chronology and succession of the emperors, ecclesiastical and secular, of the original descent, religions, customs, and manufactures of the natives, and of their trade and commerce with the Dutch and Chinese : together with a description of the Kingdom of Siam

written in High-Dutch by Engelbertus Kæmpfer ; and translated from his original manuscript, never before printed, by J.G. Scheuchzer with the life of the authour, and an introduction, ilustrated with many copper plates ; v. 1, v. 2. -- 更生閣, 1929. <BB00441976>

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0001 v. 2 中央館 書庫-大型本
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No. 0001
巻号 v. 2
所蔵館 中央館
配置場所 書庫-大型本
請求記号 620/4/2
資料ID 0111951203286
状態 通常
予約 0件


標題および責任表示 The history of Japan, giving an account of the ancient and present state and government of that empire : of its temples, palaces, castles and other buildings : of its metals, minerals, trees, plants, animals, birds and fishes of the chronology and succession of the emperors, ecclesiastical and secular, of the original descent, religions, customs, and manufactures of the natives, and of their trade and commerce with the Dutch and Chinese : together with a description of the Kingdom of Siam / written in High-Dutch by Engelbertus Kæmpfer ; and translated from his original manuscript, never before printed, by J.G. Scheuchzer with the life of the authour, and an introduction, ilustrated with many copper plates
出版・頒布事項 京都 : 更生閣 , 1929
形態事項 2 v. (lii, 612, 75, 11 p.) : ill. ; 36 cm
巻次等 v. 1
巻次等 v. 2
その他の標題 その他のタイトル:Historia Imperii Japonici
注記 Reprint. Originally published: London : J.G. Scheuchzer , 1727
注記 Vol. 1 has added t.p. engraved and in Latin: Historia Imperii Japonici
注記 "April 27. 1727. Imprimatur, Hans Sloane, Præs. Soc. Reg."--T.p. verso
注記 Title printed in black and red
学情ID BA34725653
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Kaempfer, Engelbert, 1651-1716 <AU00101469>
著者標目リンク Scheuchzer, John Gaspar, 1702-1729 <AU00101470>