Section of criminal law from books.google.com
New to the Fourth Edition: Three online chapters: Gun Crimes (formerly Chapter 8), Hate Crimes, and Crimmigration New section about the crime of receiving stolen property in Chapter 5 (Property Crimes) Principal case—U.S. v.
Section of criminal law from books.google.com
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Section of criminal law from books.google.com
The text highlights the challenges that face the law as it continues to adapt to the needs of a complex and rapidly changing society and features a balanced text/casebook approach that provides a lively introduction to criminal law.
Section of criminal law from books.google.com
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Section of criminal law from books.google.com
New to the Fifth Edition: Additional and updated case studies and discussion material informed by the professors’ teaching experiences and designed to reinforce issues at the forefront of modern criminal law Streamlined chapters ...