歴代統紀表 from books.google.com
... 歴代統紀表, B. C.500 . We must conclude , with T'sze - loo , that Conf . ought not to have thought of accepting the invitation of such a man . 2. The first and last are the verb .末=無末之也已, = There is no go- ing there . Indeed there ...
歴代統紀表 from books.google.com
... 歴代統紀表, B.C.500 . We must conclude , with Tsze - loo , that Conf . ought not to have thought of accepting the invitation of such ♧ man . 2. The first and last Ź are the verb .末=無·末之也已, = ' There is no go- eastern Chow ; so ...
歴代統紀表 from books.google.com
... 歴代統紀表, B.C.500 . We must conclude , with Tsze - loo , that Conf . ought not to have thought of accepting the invitation of such 2. The first and last 之 are the verb . & man .末=無末之也已, = There is no go- .ing there . Indeed ...
歴代統紀表 from books.google.com
... 歴代統紀表, B.C.500 . We must eastern Chow ; so that Confucius would perform conclude , with Tsze - loo , that Conf . ought not to have thought of accepting the invitation of such a man . 2. The first and last 之 are the verb .末=無末之 ...
歴代統紀表 from books.google.com
... 歴代統紀表, B. C.500 . We must conclude , with Tsze - loo , that Conf . ought not to eastern Chow ; so that Confucius would perform the part of king Wăn . - After all , the sage did not go to Pe . 6. FIVE THINGS THE PRACTICE OF WHICH ...
歴代統紀表 from books.google.com
... 歴代統紀表 on the date of king Woo's birth , under B.c. 1168. I must for the present suspend the expression of any opinion of my own on the point .友 as having the same mind 冡君 is literally and aim with him . ' highest rulers , ' or ...
歴代統紀表 from books.google.com
... 表佛世繋表の二表を設けて一經一緯天台一宗の系譜を明白にせり。これを宗鑑の『門正統』(乙の三の五)と比較するに『正統』は佛を本紀として迦葉以下十二顧を附記し、龍樹を紀として提婆以下九を附記し之を總じて本紀さ爲し、慧文以下法智に至るまでを世家 ...
歴代統紀表 from books.google.com
... 紀 composed by 荀悦 at the command of the emperor Hëen (獻帝) Sze - ma Kwang's 資治通鑑, and Choo He's 通鑑綱目綱目 means a net , -the rope by which the whole is drawn together and the eyes or meshes of which it is composed .歴代統紀表 ...