Ehime University Library


加古里子著. -- 福音館書店, 1967. <BB00030066>
No tag is registered

HoldingsList 1-2 of about 2

No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date Reservation
0001 Main Lib. 書庫-和
798/KA 0312003143737 通常 0items
0002 Main Lib. 書庫-和
798/K1 0111175958452 通常 0items
No. 0001
Library Main Lib.
Location 書庫-和
Call No 798/KA
Material ID 0312003143737
Status 通常
Due Date
Reservation 0items
No. 0002
Library Main Lib.
Location 書庫-和
Call No 798/K1
Material ID 0111175958452
Status 通常
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 日本伝承のあそび読本 / 加古里子著
ニホン デンショウ ノ アソビ トクホン
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 福音館書店 , 1967.4
physical description area 198p ; 19cm
NCID BN05523657
text language code Japanese
author link 加古, 里子(1926-)||カコ, サトシ <AU10069226>