Ehime University Library


東洋協會調査部. -- 1巻1号(明44.1)-, 1911. <SB10007503>
No tag is registered

Collective HoldingsList 1-3 of about 3

No. Library Location Volume Available Years/Months Note Alert
0001 Main Lib. 研究室-法文
7-8, 12, 18, 20, 26-28, 31-35, 37(3-4), 38-42, 43(1-3), 44(2, 4), 45(3-4), 46-54, 55(1-2, 4), 56-72, 73(3-4), 74-75, 76(1-2, 4), 77-88, 89(1-2) 1917-2007
0002 Main Lib. 書庫2層-和雑誌
1-6, 9-11, 13-14, 15(2-4), 16-17, 19, 21-25, 29, 36-41, 42(2), 52(3-4), 53(1), 85(1) 1911-2003
0003 Main Lib. 研究室-法文
7-8, 12, 18, 20, 26-28, 31-35, 39, 41-42 1917-1960
No. 0001
Library Main Lib.
Location 研究室-法文
Volume 7-8, 12, 18, 20, 26-28, 31-35, 37(3-4), 38-42, 43(1-3), 44(2, 4), 45(3-4), 46-54, 55(1-2, 4), 56-72, 73(3-4), 74-75, 76(1-2, 4), 77-88, 89(1-2)
Available Years/Months 1917-2007
No. 0002
Library Main Lib.
Location 書庫2層-和雑誌
Volume 1-6, 9-11, 13-14, 15(2-4), 16-17, 19, 21-25, 29, 36-41, 42(2), 52(3-4), 53(1), 85(1)
Available Years/Months 1911-2003
No. 0003
Library Main Lib.
Location 研究室-法文
Volume 7-8, 12, 18, 20, 26-28, 31-35, 39, 41-42
Available Years/Months 1917-1960

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 東洋学報 / 東洋協會調査部
トウヨウ ガクホウ
ISSN 03869067
Volumes and Years of Serial 1巻1号(明44.1)-
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 :
note 責任表示変更:東洋協會調査部→東洋学術協会→東洋文庫
NCID AN00169858
author link 東洋協會調査部
author link 東洋協會調査部
トウヨウ キョウカイ チョウサブ